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Let's chat!
Interested in Interviews & Speaking?
For all business inquiries please email sanctuaryreikicenter@gmail.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
What session is right for me?
I always encourage you to follow your intuition. However, if you're unsure, you can book a free 10-minute consultation, here.
Do you talk during Reiki?
Not usually. We chat beforehand and after so that you have clarity about what we'll be doing and what we worked on but you're free to drift off during the session.
I'm afraid of doing a Past Life Regression, but want to do it.
This is very normal. We naturally go in and out of the same meditative state we use in regression You do it a lot throughout the day! You're always in control during this process and can stop at any time. We set the intention to see lifetimes that will only help you--we never want to cause harm.
This is my first session, how should I prepare?
You may want to think about what you'd like to gain from our session. We like to work toward your goals. If you've scheduled a card reading you may want to jot down a few questions you have that you'd like answered. If you've booked a past life regression please check your email for specific information on how to prepare.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a healing technique that channels life force energy where you need it most. It's hard to put how it feels into words but blissful and loving are two that come to mind.
What happens during a Past Life Regression?
I'll gently guide you into a deep state of mediation where you'll see your other lifetimes, usually ones that are impacting your current life.
What is Emotion Code?
We identify the root causes of low vibrational emotions causing you harm. Then we move that stuck or stagnant energy through the body and release it.
What do you use to wash your linens between sessions?
Cleanliness is very important to us. We use a clean, unscented detergent so they're fresh for each appointment and free from synthetic fragrances.
Is Reiki religious?
It isn't--Reiki is like a massage for your soul. We're connecting with the life force energy that flows through us all. For me, it feels incredibly peaceful. Everyone has their own experience!
How do you prepare for a Past Life Regression?
I'll email you meditations prior so you can get your senses extra ready. I'll also send you the induction that gets you into a deeply meditative state, so you're comfortable with it.
How often should I book sessions?
Let Spirit guide you. If you're thinking about a service or it gets brought up in conversation or you see a sign, trust it. Rest assured that energy healing continues working for you for quite.a while after your session. That said, I do love working with you regularly, don't be shy!
What should I wear to my appointment?
Choose something comfortable. Unlike getting a massage, you'll stay fully clothed for your session. Wear something cozy!